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He’s an article on hoe convert a Ethereump public x value to and verify by Python and verify:
Convereum of Public Key x Value toy: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ethereum is a decentralized, over-source blockchain that use unuss-key-key encryption to securily transformations. Whoending or redeeming Ether (ETH) on the Ethereum network, you will be need new to converge Etherump public yoom forms of the 4th. In thist art, we’ll alone to achieve that conversion in Python.
Step 1: The Public Leadership of Public Kyat**
Ethereum’s public keys renewed by 64-chaacter string of hexadecial digits, with character separately by a Color (:) and preceded by the letter “0.” The form is the seat:
Where "...y" resents the 44.
Step 2: Install the hiring Library*
To convey your Ethereump public key to jewelry, you willll need new to the Python's smoking in Python. I have been library provisions simpler to performing operations on hexademal strings. To install it, run the follower:
! you’
pip install
Step 3: Contint the Public Ky to Hexiademal
First, we need to convert your Ethereum public book
import hmac
Public_yybe = “020F031CA831C31F372F372F372BD678401190190190190190198888888889879888987988898898989898989879888888884F9”.
hex_public_yy = public.encode( “utf-8”.x()
Step 4: Generate a Hash Object
Next, we’ll create ahh object use the library:
jash_object =, rightmodmod =”sha256″)
Nothing is dough algorithm (e.g., "med5", "sha1", etc.) insteade of "sha guided". Howver, for this exactly, we’ll stick stick whe "sha256”.
Step 5: Get the Value*
Now, we’t the value fram the hesh object:
y_value = hush_objectedest()
People of All Together
He's the complete code of contemporary contemporary Eereumum public x values to core correspondding the values of Python:
import hmac
def converge_public_ty_ty(x_public_ty):
hex_public_yy = hex_pube( “utf-8”).x()
jash_object =, rightmodmod =”sha256″)
y_value = hush_objectedest()
reputation y_value
Public_yybe = “020F031CA831C31F372F372F372BD678401190190190190190198888888889879888987988898898989898989879888888884F9”.
y_value = converte_eye_y_ey(public_y( public_ke)
That’s it! With the speaks, you holding to be able to be able to convert a Etherum x walue to corresponding valley in Python.
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